If music was beer, he would be Castle Light; the one to have when you have more than one. That’s how diverse his music is. He cannot be box nor can he be bounded to one specific genre. A maestro in the making, still in the oven and baking.
Una is Venda’s next superstar, and nothing as mediocre as Movhango that’s for sure. His versatility breeds an endless catalogue of pleasure and unique melody, combined with incredible creativity.
Since this is Kas’lam magazine, first you got to do is rep your hood; I’m a boy from Venda… Shout out to all my people, it’s the Venda Pop-Star one time.
Let’s talk about your musical journey, where did it all start? I grew up in a semi-musical family. My parents were involved in a choir and when they started their own church as their kids we obviously had to be involved in the worship team. That’s when I learnt how to play the drums and my brother had always been big on writing songs and producing, so I also got to learn a lot from him. Over the years the craft just became better and better, now it’s well polished and good enough for us to be here.
Now when one listens to your music, it’s not easy to classify you under one specific genre. How do you define your sound? I’m unboxed, I don’t like to keep myself limited to a couple of options. therefore, if I wanna do a Jazz track I’m going to do a Jazz track, and if I wanna do Hip-Hop or Reggea I’m going to do that. It’s about being free as an Artist because that’s why I’m doing it, I’m doing it to express myself, so if I limit myself to 1 genre I don’t feel free enough. I describe my sound as human, in essence that just means it’s a process and it’s growing like you and I… Like a Human being. It hasemotions it has feeling and you’re going to relate to it, that’s what I wanna achieve. That’s why I sing a lot about love because it’s something we all go through.
What are you currently busy with? We’re currently busy working on a couple of videos and a couple of more songs, we are building up to the album but that’s still in the future.
Now in terms of you as an Artist and an individual, what are your principles and values that keep you going on a daily? One thing I really believe in is the concept of quality over quantity, for instance there aren’t a lot of Una Rams songs out there but the songs that are out there are good songs.
Another is consistency, looking at the position I’m at right now it’s more of like “oh there’s this new kid on the scene, what has he got to offer”. Obviously with what I have dropped now has got people’s attention, but moving forward it’s up to me now to say yo! we’re making songs better than this. That’s who I’m in competition with… Myself.
I love honesty and to a certain extent of vulnerability, which explains who I am as a person because I am in touch with my emotions and I know a lot of kids out there are too. So, these songs help them go through things and help them process things as well. I know there’s a lot of turn-up music but I mean when the party is over you probably want to go home and cuddle up or cry or something, but is there music that caters for that? That’s where I come in to the picture.
Last words? If you have a dream go chase it, don’t give up on education and you can make it.