I keep Evolving with the Music │ Dacapo

There are quite a few people that need very little introductions and Da Capo is one of them. His name carries so much weight and respect that he can never be forgotten nor can he be side-lined. We had the honour of chatting to this legend in the making who not only came into the industry with the bang, but his name still resonates with the House masses even years later.

Let’s start with where you come from and how was it like growing up eKasi?

I’m from a small township called Sishawo, closer to Polokwane in Limpopo. Growing up it was like all the other Kasi’s where people would either conform to do good or bad things, but I had a dream that was bigger than the present moment and a much bigger dream for the future.

We know that you are a self-taught DJ, how is it different from back in then and nowadays?

Back in the days we didn’t have smartphones whereby now it’s much easier to go online and google a video to learn from. I had a friend who had a computer when I didn’t have one, I would go over to his house every day to learn the software. Each time I came back home I would draw a pattern or a certain element that I learned. As to how to compose the song and what elements am I going to put in the song.

How is the process like when it comes to making music now compared to back then?

Now it’s different, back then music was about the love and passion whereby one could make 10 tracks in a day through hard work and determination. Quality wasn’t a factor that much but now it’s about investing in the quality. Whereby its quality over quantity, everything now is bigger. Now it’s much harder to complete a track in one day, you need just a week to complete the track to get the track right.

How did you break into the game and how different is it now compared to when you started?

When I came in, it was the tribal era which was played by the likes of Culoe De Song, Infinite boys and so forth. It was the tribal season basically. Then came deep-tech house which as you know that music evolves and every genre takes a life of its own. Some stuck with it and follow suit and some evolved with the music. I, myself have evolved within the music because I’m one person who doesn’t play just one genre of music.

Let’s talk about your collaboration with “Goodluck”.

Us working together was in the bases of having a good relationship from the first song we did together that hasn’t been released as yet. One of the guys from soulistic suggested that I should listen to a track by Goodluck and I happened to like their music because they have an international feel with their sound. With this track we did together, I just made the beats and sent it over to them, they sent back the lyrics to the track and everything was approved that same day. That was how good it was over the beat the same day.

What can we expect from you 2018?

2019 is a year of re- building and re-branding Da Capo, we start with ‘’Indigo Child Album” which is doing pretty good. The main reason why we released the album first is because we wanted to give back to the people. We’ll be shooting music videos to the tracks and there’ll be Indigo Child nation tour. In future we are hoping to take the tour to the rest of Africa, Europe and the USA.  I’m currently working on the Indigo Child part 2 which will be released after we finish pushing the current album.

Where can one get a hold of you?

Instagram: DaCapo SA

Twitter : DaCapo SA

Facebook: DaCapo_SA


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