Sjava hasn’t said much, in fact he hasn’t said anything since the rape charges by Lady Zamar against him were made public. Since the news broke earlier this year, its been speculation over speculation without any word from Sjava. On the other hand, lady Zamar has publicly addressed the issue quite a number of times. She has received a lot of support from the industry since coming out with the rape allegations, but has also had her fair share of criticism from the fans.
While all of this has been happening, the media and the fans have been waiting for Sjava’s view on the issue. As we’re all aware of how it has negatively affected his career, from losing Gigs, cancelled TV shows as well as being fired by SABC’s Uzalo. It has been a blur for most as to why Sjava has remained silent for so long, leaving some people to actually concluding that he is guilty.
Well, Sjava has finally broken the silence on the matter. Releasing a 12 minutes long Instagram video to share his recollection of the events and address the issue at hand. On the video, Sjava firstly addresses why he has actually been silent for so long. He states that he immediately responded with a case of deformation of character against Lady Zamar back when this whole scandal first went public. After laying the case against Lady Zamar, he was advised by the law and his team not to publicly address the issue, hence he has been silent for so long.
Sjava also addresses other allegations on the video, making it clear that he is not married or doesn’t have any children. He then goes to confidently and clearly deny ever raping Lady Zamar, but he did apologise to her for not giving Zamar the relationship she longed for. Sjava states that when He and Zamar started dating (in 2017), he was already in another relationship. He also states that he made it clear to Lady Zamar, who at first didn’t have an issue with that. However, as the relationship went on, Zamar longed for a more intimate relationship and craved the attention that Sjava was not prepared to give her.
As Sjava apologised for not being the Boyfriend that Lady Zamar longed for, he also clearly stated that he has never Raped Zamar or anyone to that matter. Sjava says he is a big advocate of anti-rape and anti-abuse of any form. He emphasised how this has negatively affected his life, family, career, income and a whole lot more. Sjava feels like this may all be a result of Zamar being embarrassed by a stage incident a while back.
It is still unclear as to what really happened between Lady Zamar and Sjava, there also hasn’t been any arrests made or court date(s) issued.
Watch the full video by Sjava below