TNS drops My dali music video

One of the most beautiful things you can ever witness in life is the start of a new journey, the dawn of a new era and the birth of a star. There is no doubt that Nkazimulo “TNS” Ngema harbours great potential, and is a rare breed that vividly come into sight once in a while like an eclipse.  

Not only has he produced and co-produced two of the biggest songs in 2018 on Prince Kaybee’s project, he is the hit maker behind chart toping hit single “My Dali” featuring Indlovukazi.

TNS has surprised a lot of people by how quickly he elevates and how talented he is. This incredible 18-year-old has worked with some of the best in S.A such as Tira, and could soon to become a G.O.A.T in the music and entertainment industry.


The Music video is a simple display of Nkazimulo’s heritage and depicts his musical journey. It may not be an original concept but it is authentic and proudly South African truthful story.

The video quality is good enough along with a descent story line, and vividly shows how proud TNS is with his Zulu culture and upbringing.  Both the editor and director went for a simple professional approach and didn’t complicate the process.

The video is set in a beautiful KwaZulu Natal scenery that would certainly draw international audience, the director of photography definitely did a good job. Wardrobe should be given props as well for sticking to the theme and enhancing the story through visuals, and perhaps “Generations the legacy” could use his help.  

The story begins with a young rural boy who meets a beautiful young girl at the river and offers to help her carry the water. The two fall in love and start dating, but to pursue his dreams of becoming a famous musician and a Dj, the boy has to leave his home town and girlfriend behind to go hustle in the city.  Like the songs says “buya we my dali” which means come back home my love, I have been waiting for a while now.

It is beautiful to watch as the video switches from scene to scene and drops visual of Indlovukazi in the mix wearing a stunning traditional Swati dress. Her beautiful vocals carry you throughout the video and will have any viewer click repeat.

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