What you didn’t know about Major League DJz

With over 1 million followers on facebook, over 100k on twitter and over 300k on instagram, one can surely tell how popular these brothers are. Surely they are something worth following, a brand worth loyalty. One thing that stands out about these guys is their incorporation of kwaito into the modern urban culture of music, they have completely revolutionised kwaito music. Although they are hugely known for their music, they are more popular for their incredibly successful events called Major League gardens. We took time to talk to Major league to find out who these guys are, and what attributes to their success.
Who is Major League?
Major League, a pair of twins born in Bos-ton Massachusetts in the USA, whose par-ents are Zulu (mom) and Xhosa (dad) from South Africa. Bandile and Banele Mbere were born in 1991 January the 3rd and have been living in Sandton their whole lives. Our parents were in exile that’s why we were born overseas and came back home after apartheid.
What Made you choose this Career path?
Well… we’ve always liked music ever since the beginning, my dad actually has a musical history. He’s actually best friends with Hugh Masekela, and he used to play Piano back in the day. I guess that’s where our musical background comes from. Says Banele.
What is the concept behind your music?
I think our focus is to stay South African and not sound American or European. Our music is authentic and proudly South African hence it is called the New Age Kwaito, they say kwaito is dead so we are bringing it back in a cool way. We are changing the branding of the music. Most people think Kwaito is kasi but it is actually not, it is just a musical culture for young people in South Africa. Explains Bandile.

What Makes Major League DJz Unique?
First of all we are twins, secondly we are just hard workers. We work very hard and we try and push the limits, we are never trying to be similar to other Dj’s. We have created a sound and we are trying to push a movement. Even if you trying to break into the overseas market you have to be authentically South African, you will never break into their market trying to be them.
Who inspires you? Well uhmm … the OG’s. There’s actually a lot like the likes of Black Coffee, Hugh Masekela… most of them are in the House music market such as Mbuso, Revolution, Euphonic, Fresh, and many others. These are the guys we talk to who teach us about the industry and how to stay relevant in the market.

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