J Maloe: The journey of a rising Star

Tell us about your musical journey? It started all the way back in 2003, I was in High School doing grade 8. Started out as a Duo with a friend of mine and we called ourselves ‘Klass mates’, we were basically fooling around until I started posting the music online. ‘Nick holder’ heard the music and he wanted to release the music, we released one track with ‘Nick Holder’ back in 2008 and it did pretty well. I then went on to release something like 30 tracks under Nick Holder’s ‘DNH records’, I wasn’t too happy so I switched to a different label that’s based in the Netherlands. I dropped something like 30 tracks with that label as well, but it was all underground. I had issues of not receiving royalties and a whole lot of musical business problems so I quit for like 2 years, I thought maybe this music thing is not for me so I got myself a 9-5. So I only came back this year after I met ‘DJ Fortee’ and his friend ‘Regalo’ and they encouraged me to start producing again. Not long after there’s a guy called ‘Mthi HD’ who asked me to do a beat for him, which ended up as my single because after he gave me the vocals I was like this is a smash. While I was pushing that track I dropped a random video on Facebook which got like 3000 views and then we received a call from ‘Gallo records’, they saw the video and they immediately wanted to sign. They initially wanted to sing me for 3 albums but we ended up agreeing on a 1 album deal.

You’ve got a new record deal, what should we expect? I’ve now gone mainstream, I currently have 2 singles out building up to the album release, the first single is titled ‘Looking back no more’ and ‘rising’ is the second single. The album is mixed mastered, packaged and basically done, it should be dropping around September. We’re currently just working on building up to the album and people should expect a single every month.

Since you went with a one album deal with Gallo records, what’s the plan after the album? ‘DJ Tokzen’ has also offered me a contract at ‘Tokzen records’, so after this album I’ll be working with ‘Tokzen’… it’s going to be a team of myself, ‘DJ Tokzen’, ‘Dj Fortee’ as well as ‘Mthi Junoir’ amongst other talented people as well.

Now when it comes to the hustle, what do you feel I the key elements to making it? I think you have to have that non give-up factor. Whatever you’ve chosen to do stick to it and never give up, I think that what makes a true hustler and I think that’s what brings true success. Whatever you do you have to do it to the best you can, I believe the music I’m doing I’m doing it to the best I can. I’m a perfectionist so the music quality always has to be on point, I just keep going and keep pushing.

Any last words? Yeah, People should just get the singles. I’ve actually come to realise that people are familiar with my music but not the name, so please start familiarising yourself with the name. I’ll also be doing my best to get the name out there, because the music is playing on the radio and is actually doing quite well. 

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