Rapper, Musician & producer Mawat has released a single titled ‘Love is the answer’ (LITA) on Friday the 18th of September 2020. The release of the song came just in time for Mawat to celebrate the recently achieved Gold status of his single ‘Inanda’.
‘Love is the answer’ features the well renowned Soweto Gospel Choir and various South African musicians. Gospel singer Lebo Sekgobela, Mariechan and Masandi, amongst the names that are enlisted in the song. The song preaches positivity and encourages people to love one another and most importantly stand together during the tough times the country is facing due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mawat has released the single as a response to the president’s call to assist in reaching the R4 billion target for the solidarity fund. Just like the message of the song itself is about sharing love and positive vibes, all proceeds of the song go to the solidarity fund.
“Everything in the world is divided by hate, whether its hate of another race or hate of another gender, this is what causes all society ills: GBV, Racism, Poverty etc. And if Love is the opposite of Hate, then Love is the answer to heal and unite the whole world. If I Love you, I cannot harm you, I cannot rejoice in your weakness or even want to see you down…Love is the Answer” says Mawat
Mawat also says the song was also an opportunity for him to challenge himself and going beyond being a Hip-Hop Artist/ Producer to being an overall “Quincy Jones like” Composer / Producer. The release of also came just in time for Mawat to celebrate the Gold status of his single ‘Inanda’ which dropped in 2019.
‘Inanda’ comes from his previously released album titled ‘Peer Pressure’, which came out in December 2019 and still making waves in the streets. Mawat is not just breaking boundaries by releasing a song like ‘Love is the answer’, he has also gone and shot 20 music videos for the ‘Peer Pressure’ album and will be dropping them on a weekly basis.
All of this came after a tough period in Mawat’s life and career, losing a lot of money invested in his career and things just seemed to not be going his way. It got so bad that the Star almost went and took his own life, luckily and with the support of friends and family, he was still able to remind himself of the bigger picture and where it all started and why. That was enough to get him through the tough period and get himself back on the horse.
We caught up with Mawat to chat more about what has been an inspiring and tough journey he’s has in his music career. Watch the full interview on Below.